Transparent Frit

Transparent Frit


Place of origin:Foshan

Usage: Transparent frit for floor tile, wall tile, tableware, sanitarywar,etc









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Temp: 1050-1080℃; Frit with completed transparency and high glossiness 95°plus is suitable for low temperature of double firing wall tile.


Temp: 1090-1120℃; Quality frit with completed transparency and high glossiness 95°plus is suitable for surface glaze of double firing wall tiles, or mix with other frit for surface glaze of single firing wall tiles.


Temp: 1090-1120℃; Extra-flat high quality frit with completed transparency and high glossiness 105°plus is suitable for surface glaze of double firing wall tiles, or mixwith other frit for surface glaze of single firing wall tiles.


Temp: 1120-1160℃; Frit with completed transparency and high glossiness 95°plus is suitable for surface glaze of single firing wall tile and floor tile.


Temp: 1170-1190℃; Frit with completed transparency and high glossiness 95°plus is suitable for surface glaze of single firing floor tile.


Temp: 1170-1190℃: Superior frit with completed transparency, flat surface and high glossiness 100°plus is suitable for surface glaze
of single firing floor tile.


Temp: 1170-1190℃: Frit with completed transparency and high glossiness 90°plus is suitable for surface glaze of single firing floor tile.


Temp: 1180-1200℃: High temperature Frit with completed transparency is suitable for surface glaze of floor tiles and composed glaze ,such as fritted glaze, polished glaze ,satin glaze etc.
